Private/Permanent Collections |
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- Mikhail Gorbachev, Former General Secretary of the Soviet Union and
Winner of the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize |
- George Bush, Former President of the USA |
- Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of England |
- Kim Campbell, Former Prime Minister of Canada |
- Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada |
- Preston Manning, past Leader of the Reform Party |
- Morgan Firestone, President, Firan Foundation |
- Mr. Majid Al-Refai, Mercy International |
- Janet A. Greenhalgh, Executive Director of the Canada-CIS
Development Foundation |
- Peter Lush, President of the Lush Corporation |
- Frank Sherman, Past President of Dofasco Inc. |
- Ced Ritchie, Chairman of the Bank of Nova Scotia |
- St. Joseph Hospital Foundation Permanent Collection |
- Hamilton This Month Magazine |
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